Preston Blair was verantwoordelijk in de jaren 50 en 60 voor bijzondere motion graphics bij TV Graphics Inc. in New York. Ze werden direct onder de camera gemaakt met uitgeknipte vormen en lijm.
Bekijk hier de "Air Force Recuitment Spot"...
We were tired of endlessly staring at our hi-tech computer monitors, so we decided to switch it up and stare at actual pieces of paper for 8.5 hours a day. Entirely hand-drawn in pen and ink, these 6 little pieces of ultra-violence are online ads for the gaming peripheral company Ideazon. Apparently their custom keyboards turn you in to a virtual Angel of Death. Several months and around 7000 individual drawings later we were begging to go back to nice and cushy 3d renderfarm.Bekijk hier de ads...
Deze Modest Mouse video van Max Tyrie koste nogal wat papier....zo'n 4133 Kinko's fotocopietjes.....
Hieronder wat Max Tyrie erzelf over te zeggen heeft;
Myself and a couple have friends have entered the above into the Modest Mouse video competition. Using green screen footage provided by the band we cut a simple music video. We then degraded the images and printed out each frame sequentially. (all 4133 of them) We then nailed each "shot" of 50-100 posters to various structures and posts. Then using a digital SLR camera with a long exposure we frame by frame shot each poster. Oh, and theres a little video projection (again, frame by frame on the SLR) just to mix it up. There is no compositing, no shortcuts, just lots of blood, sweat and tears, and a huge Kinkos bill!Bekijk hier de film
Windows, Masks & Doors is een korte animatie van Sarah Orenstein. Deze animatie is van een project dat ze deed in 2006 op de Rhode Island School of Design en heeft inmiddels op de diverse festivals gespeeld.
Ze vertelde het volgende over haar film:
Windows, masks, and doors first appealed to me in their uses of intentionally concealing and revealing. This seemed like a marvelous way to expose space and characters. Both visual and aural motifs are utilized to create an old radio music box and its conductor who tunes a medley of tracks revealing masked players hidden.
Bekijk hier de film